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Personal Information Application

1.1 NCNU Application Form for Collection, Processing, and Utilization of Data by the Office of Research and Development PDF DOC
1.2 Sample for Personal Information Notification and Consent Matters PDF DOCX
Research Awards 2.1 Application Form for Incentive Funds for Teachers Participating in Projects and Conducting Continuing Education Programs DOC PDF
2.2 Contribution Ratio Table for Personnel Participating in Research and Project Plans DOC PDF
National Science and Technology Council Research Awards 3 NCNU Performance Item Table for the Implementation of the National Science and Technology Council 's Research Incentives for Colleges and Universities ODS XLS
National Science and Technology Council- Research Projects Comparison Table for the Application for Extension and Changes of Subsidy Funds for Research Projects by the National Science and Technology Committee (For review by the National Science and Technology Council, project deadline passed) DOCX PDF
4.2 Application Form for Changes in Research Projects by the National Science and Technology Council (For internal review, project deadline passed) DOCX PDF
National Science and Technology Council- Postdoctoral Research 5. NCNU Review Form and Criteria Table for the Recruitment of Postdoctoral Research Talents' Teaching and Research Expenses DOCX PDF
National Science and Technology Council- Undergraduate Student Projects 6. Application Form for Changes in College Student Projects by the National Science and Technology Council DOCX PDF

Incentives for NCNU Undergraduate Students

7. Application Form for Encouraging Undergraduate Students to Participate in Research Projects and Preliminary Evaluation Opinion Form of the Supervising Professor DOCX PDF

Reutilization of Project Surplus Funds

8. NCNU Application Form for Project Surplus Fund Allocation DOCX PDF

First-level Centers in NCNU (Non-Organizational)

9.1  Proposal for Establishing a First -level Center in NCNU ODT DOC
9.2 The Operation Performance Report of the First -level Center in NCNU ODT DOC
National Science and Technology Council 10.1 Contract for the Recommendation of NCNU for the National Science and Technology Council Approved Subsidy for Scientists and Technologists for Short-term Overseas Research ODT DOCX
10.2 Contract for NCNU Doctoral Students Supported by the National Science and Technology Council Going Abroad for Research ODT DOC
Academic Awards Application 11.1 Academic Research Award Application Form (For Jointly Appointed Teachers) ODS XLS
11.2 Tutorial for Querying JCR Database Journal Rankings ODT  

Subsidy for Hosting Domestic Conferences

12.1 NCNU Application Form for Subsidy for Hosting Domestic Academic Conferences ODT DOC

Cultivating Outstanding Doctoral Students

13.1 NCNU Self-Assessment Report for Excellent Doctoral Student Scholarship ODT DOCX
13.2 NCNU Application Form for Excellent Doctoral Student Scholarship ODT DOC

Project adjustment

14.Application Form for Extension and Changes of Subsidized Projects ODT  
Research and Development Achievements Related 15.1 Patent Application Form DOCX ODT
15.2 Declaration of Patent Application for Invention DOCX ODT
15.3 Self-assessment Form for Patent Application Cases DOCX ODT
15.4 Intellectual Property Rights Co-ownership Agreement DOC ODT
15.5 Consent Form for Intellectual Property Rights Attribution DOC ODT
13.6 Data Table for the Selection of Technology Licensing Manufacturers Announcement DOCX ODT
13.7 Declaration of Non-Job-Related Research and Development Achievements DOC ODT
13.8 NCNU Patent Application Process PDF  
13.9 Patent Cost Sharing Details Table  DOCX ODT
13.10 Patent Maintenance Application Form DOC ODT
13.11 Contract for the Transfer of Research and Development Achievements (Draft) DOC ODT
13.12 NCNU Patent Rights Termination Maintenance Process PDF  
13.13 Application Form for Technology Transfer of Research Achievements, Including Benefit Disclosure Form DOC ODT
13.14 Inventor's Technology Self-assessment Form DOC ODT
13.15 Application Form for Technology Transfer Manufacturers of Research Achievements DOC ODT
13.16 Proposal for Technology Transfer Manufacturer Development  DOC ODT
13.17 NCNU Research and Development Achievement Technology Transfer Authorization Process PDF  





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